Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Girl!
I woke Linley up with her Birthday Breakfast that she picked out
I couldn't decide which picture was funnier so I put them both in. Of course it wouldn't be right if the birthday girl wasn't sick on her big day so I loaded her up with Motrin, kissed her and sent her to school.
After a Dr. Appointment and a cherry coke to make everything better we had the Big Event of the day. Darrell's boss had a surprise birthday party that we were invited to, which included hot air balloon rides.
So those three crazies went up in the balloon and I would say the 4th Birthday was a smashing success!
I can't believe the youngest is 4 and last night as I put her to bed and tried to sing to her 'This Little Light of Mine' (the silly version where you hide it under an armpit-NO) she simply said "Mommy, I am a big girl now and I don't sing it silly anymore" sniff sniff