Friday, July 17, 2009

Least Favorite Words

So I laugh everyday, but it isn't very often that I get that-cross your legs, folded over, head hurting, sides sore, I might wet myself laugh. The last time I had one of those was probably this day. That is until yesterday.

I don't know what it was or how it happened, but my receptionist and I started talking about words we HATE ok maybe that is too harsh-words we dislike. For some reason this got us tickled and then others joined in to add their words.

I am not talking about vulgar profanities here (we all dislike those), just words that you aren't particularly fond of.
So here are a few:
1. Moist (this doesn't conjure up images of cake for me:)

2. Pus (this wasn't mine, but it is disgusting)

3. Discharge (this was a co-worker's husbands least favorite)

And this was my favorite mostly b/c I had never heard of the word, but if you ask anyone over 70 they will surely know it:

4. Urp (are you wanting to look it up?) I will save you the google-it means to vomit-who uses that word and actually I prefer it to vomit.

Anyway what are your least faves?


Jenn @ My Kind of Strange said...

scalp ... gives me the willies!

Richard and Christy Pearce said...

Toot. Or tooted. Or tooting. I am fine with poot, fart, pass gas, etc. Toot makes me think its coming from somehwere besides the hiney.

Gail said...

Yes Dear! .... makes my hackles rise.

Claire said...

My least favrite word is too inappropriate to write...Trent's is "panties".

Meriwether said...




