Monday, March 8, 2010

Grocery Project: What I Learned

I think I was hoping that Darrell would hate the meal planning (which he did), hate grocery shopping (which he did not), go over budget (which he did) and that at the end of it all he would come home full of praise and admiration for his wife with all that she does.

So here is what we learned so far:
1. I am a wimp when it comes to sticking to the rules. I was supposed to hand over the $$ and go away and let him figure it out. I didn't. Every time he moaned for a little help or got a little pouty, I would sigh, groan and go help.

2. Darrell had no idea that planning a menu actually meant you would have to think about ALL parts of the menu including the main dish AND the side dishes.

3. He also didn't take into consideration that breakfast, lunch and paper products had to be bought.

4. Looking in the pantry to see if we had any items, consisted of asking ME what we already had.

5. Coupons and Darrell work better if I am in charge:)

6. He gets bonus points for taking the grumpier of our two children with him to the grocery store only minutes before bedtime. No seriously he deserves much praise for this one!

7. He went WAY over budget and even brought home items in brands that I have never seen just to try and save a few dollars. This is funny b/c he bought some random orange marmalade(it looked like it came from the international food aisle), but then individual things of Pringles for Jackson's lunch-hello?

8. I still don't think he is a great appreciation for the time spent meal planning, couponing, and shopping, but I think he hated it just enough to not complain for a few weeks so:


Jennifer said...

I'm impressed that you do that every week on 75 bucks! I really need to start using coupons... but I just can't find the will power.

Purifoy Family said...

Great idea! Although I know I would have a similar outcome... Probably would have to go back to the grocery store and Michael would definitely go over budget!