Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Answer and D's Birthday

So the answer to what Darrell was doing in the last post was not near as funny as your guesses.
Darrell was holding the rack on the Xterra down because the rubber guard is off. If the car hits 50mph then it vibrates and makes a hideous noise on the roof. (I told you it wasn't funny-it was funny that Darrell correctly guessed the comments after I told him who commented)

Happy 32nd babe. The weekend at the lake was fun and full of:

1. Fire

2. Sheer adorableness

3. Me falling off all of the lake toys and leaving my children stranded multiple times

4. Jackson deciding he was better off in the water without me than with me:)

6. "mom did you fall off AGAIN?"

7. Hilarious pictures-don't know what's funnier: Darrell's big hand or Laura's rock on hand.

8. More adorableness and the fact that Laura can get Linley to do just about anything.

9. ...and a 1st grader

1 comment:

Rebecca Meece said...

Happy Birthday Darrell! Fun pictures!