Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Big Night Awake

*Warning:This post may not be suitable for young children* The subjects in this post had been sleep deprived. No stylists or makeup artists were used in the making of these pictures so view at your own risk***
That being said, mom and I decided to document our big night awake with Linley. A little background may be needed. We were having a sleep deprived EEG done for linley on Wednesday morning and the nurse kindly told me that were to keep her awake from Midnight until 8am when the test would be performed. I laughed at her and said, "Are you kidding me?" So I called mom crying and she packed up and headed to Nashville (once again presenting "Mom of the Year Award" to Gail Thornton). It didn't occur to us that we should start taking pictures until about 3:00 am. So that is where our little picture journey begins
Here we are at 3:00 am making a "tent" with Linley. She loved this, but after awhile it became too comfortable and like all things we had to move on.

Next move was the bathroom-there is lots of fun stuff to do in there, like sit in the sink and pretend to put on lipstick. She actually looks like a natural putting this on.

Then we were on to toilet paper. I am afraid I have created a monster with this one.

By 4:00 am we had run out of exciting things to keep her awake so we packed up and headed to Walmart. We were the ONLY people there, but it was fun. Walmart proved to be our saving grace. YEs, we are sitting on the floor of Walmart. Yes, it was disgusting. No, we didn't care-we were way too tired.

Here we are as Linley was trying to fall asleep sitting up. Our cue to move to the next department.

Crying, because I made her stay awake

I was so excited that I found bubbles in the diaper bag: Then I dropped and spilled them all over the floor. "Clean up in aisle 13"

The best part of Walmart was the singing Christmas stuff. This kept us occupied for a good 20 minutes. Linley was dancing like crazy in this area. It was adorable

We couldn't leave Walmart without a few purchases: the favorite of which was this giant stuffed dog.

Here is Linley in the car ride home after the test. She wouldn't let the nurse take the things off of her head so we just left them there until a happier time. Isn't she adorable. Here she is as happy as a lark eating food, still all gooed up. This quick meal was followed by a bath and a looonnng nap.


amanda said...

Those are hilarious! Glad that you made it through the night and had a little fun doing it!

PCR ii said...

Too funny! So glad you made it through it and you guys were so creative! I guess those late night Walmart runs in collge paid off as good practice. Linley looks so cute with a bow too. Love the dancing pics.

Claire said...

You are SAINTS!!! Great pics!

Lara said...

This might be my all time favorite blog post ever. It's REAL. I love how linley has her jammies on but yet STILL has a huge green bow on at 4 am in the morning! SO cute!

Richard and Christy Pearce said...

Very funny, laughed out loud! Way to turn something stressful into something fun! We'd all do well to share your good attitude! Merry Christmas!

Purifoy Family said...

Oh my word- that is hilarious! You're a real trooper & I'm sure it will be a night to remember forever. When do you get results fromt eh test?