Monday, January 5, 2009

Slugs and a 30th Birthday

Sorry Claire that your birthday blog post is getting grouped with slug pictures, but hey you are in the hospital with a beautiful baby boy so you will probably never know:)

So I will start by saying Happy Birthday to Claire and Tyler only 8 days apart! I love that Claire decided to wear a giant sombrero to her own birthday party. I mean regular birthday hats are soo out of date. It even matched her maternity shirt. And Trent, who said you weren't a party planner-I thought it was a great idea that the Birthday girl ordered her own birthday cake with her name on it! The night was really fun, even though I was secretly praying that all of the pregnant women around me wouldn't touch my stuff and accidentally get me pregnant.

On to less exciting news: Jackson salted his first slug this weekend in Memphis. I of course said "Oh look a caterpillar" and mom kindly pointed out to me that "that isn't a caterpillar, it is a snail." Well, we were both wrong and apparently needing more sleep and glasses. After we told Jackson it was a slug and that salt would make it shrivel up-he ran inside to ask grandaddy for a salt shaker. The first picture he just sprinkles a little on it, but then he goes all out and practically dumps the whole bottle on the poor fellow.

And please no animal rights comments folks-the things ruin your plants.


Gail said...

Claire will love the picture!

What a slug!

Claire said...

That was so funny--Thanks alot for exposing me, Dianne...Trent said I was too picky and that I had to go get my own cake. nice.