Friday, February 20, 2009

So I lied

I obviously have nothing to do at work today except write blogs:)

I realize that I have no pictures of sweet adorable Linley up from the Disney World trip. We are such awful parents that we left her with 4, yes 4 grandparents while we were gone.

Doesn't it just look like she had to most horrible, neglected time? I just know that EVERY single one of her needs was not met by these 4 grandparents and I am sure she was just counting the minutes until we all returned, only to leave her struggling desperately to put that poor doll back on her horse. I mean I am SURE that the 4 grandparents would have chosen to grab a camera and shoot her frustration instead of helping her get that princess back on her horse;)

On another note: This picture makes me so proud. Even though I was not there, I am so glad that the girly girl that I was afraid to have is at least sporting converse sneakers with a dress (even if they are pink).

1 comment:

Richard and Christy Pearce said...

Ooh good I was needing some Linley pix! She looks like she didn't mind all the doting from her Grandparents! She is so cute - and big now!don't worry about videoing her frustration - I left mine laying covered in poop to get a picture.